
Recreational classes  

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from 4:00pm  

Saturday from 9:00am

Adults – 16+ Wednesdays 8:00pm (Casual members welcome)

Advanced Classes are available by invitation only, following an assessment from one of our Recreational classes – please ask if you would like to be considered for this. 

Progression into our Trampoline Development Squad is for those members showing potential in classes and willingness to learn & improve as well as a keen interest to enter competition’s locally progressing to national and maybe even international one day!  

Monthly Class fees 

One hour classes £30

Two hour classes £50  

Annual Membership 

All members are required to pay annual membership to LaunchPad and British Gymnastics, you can attend two trial sessions with us before you need to pay the membership. 

Our Cancellation Policy 

British Gymnastics Memberships

Request A Session